Container Yard Tracking

Manage your container yard efficiently

Avoid going back a forth with repetitive inventory checks. Use gatego to make faster operational decisions.

* No credit card required


Trusted by

“Your yard management solution is the way to go. There’s no point in wasting more time, you’ve got our business." - Harvey Wall

Real-time yard movements

Shippers, drivers, and service providers are all depending on your ability to provide accurate and timely information. Enable your team to provide the world-class service your brand deserves.

Old Way 😢
New Way 😃

Our top features

Control your yard from a single, easy-to-use dashboard.

Fast check-ins with Container Vision

Log all your movements rapidly with autofill, reducing wait times for drivers, leading to faster deliveries and higher customer satisfaction.

Fast container AI scanner
Enter once and autofill saved containers, trucks, and drivers.
Detailed check-ins with photo proof, trailer status, and attachments for better visibility.

Real time inventory across multiple yards & multiple container owners

Have complete visibility of your assets, allowing you to make better decisions, increase trailer utilization and prevent costly inventory-related errors.

Easily check containers, forget repeated yard checks.
View historical data quickly, no need for archives.
Advanced search and filters to get business insights.

Manage container locations

Keep track of where your containers are at all times, no need to write things down or navigate complex menus for simple tasks.

From yard parking to multi-level staking, quickly find your containers with a simple search
Update the container's location from your mobile device in three 3 clicks

Issue reporting

Stay ahead of container issues with fast issue logging and asset condition transparency, enabling you to solve them quickly before they become major problems.

Prevent costly bottlenecks and container rejections.
Avoid damage complaints from issues you weren't responsible for.

Always improving, continuously innovating

We work hard to make gatego the best platform to power your yard, with innovative features that disrupt the industry standard.

Smart AutofillIcon

Smart Autofill

Our intelligent autofill system makes checking in faster than paper.

ID ScanningIcon

ID Scanning

Our AI ID Scanning speeds up check-ins reducing frustrating lines.

AES 128Icon

AES 128

We use AES 128 military-grade encryption to keep your data safe.



All your data is always up to date and can run on any modern device.

Open APIsIcon

Open APIs

Need a custom integration? Our API allows you to extend gatego.

Live ChatIcon

Live Chat

We are always available to help you. Don’t believe us? Send us a message!

Ready to get started?

Join the innovative yards using Gatego

Gatego lets you take control and have complete visibility of containers at a yard in an easy-to-use platform.

Try Gateto

* No credit card required


Breakdown of featuresFree PlanStandardProfessional
Unlimited users and carriers
Don't worry about the number of users, it's on us.